Saltaire and Salts Mill Educational Visit

14 Jun 24

Year 2 Wednesday 12th June Saltaire and Salts Mill Educational Visit

Thankfully the sun was shining, and the rain had stopped just in time for our visit to Saltaire.

The children were surprised and shocked at how enormous the mill was on arrival and thoroughly enjoyed experiencing walking around the mill, climbing up 90 stone steps and learning about Titus Salt.

We had a lovely time walking around the village and identifying key features of Saltaire, such as the church and the mill workers homes.

Afterwards we could rest our tired feet and enjoy a delicious picnic in Roberts Park, followed by sketching the mills, church and a very impressive statue of Sit Titus Salt.

The children had a fabulous time, and their behaviour was exceptional! We even had three members of the public comment on how polite and wonderfully behaved they were!