
Our Responsibilities

At Pudsey Bolton Royd Primary School, we are committed to the safety and well-being of all the children in our care. We are fully aware of our roles and responsibilities with regard to safeguarding children. School follows the statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment called ‘Keeping Children Safe In Education’ which you can find here. It sets out the legal duties we must follow to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18 in schools and colleges.

Through a safer recruitment policy, established safeguarding procedures and regular staff and governor training, we ensure that the children attending our school are kept safe, happy and healthy.

We all have a duty to safeguard children, so if you have any concerns about the safety or well-being of a child at Bolton Royd, please speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.


Our Safeguarding Team

Mr Paul Kilner
Acting Headteacher & Head Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Christine Morton
Family Support Manage & Deputy Head Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Kath Walsh
Assistant Headteacher, Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Jennie Pearson
Nursery Lead & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Iala Sharp
(Currently on maternity leave)

Reporting Concerns

Pudsey Bolton Royd is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all children and expects all our staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you are concerned for the safety or welfare of a child in the wider community, you should contact Leeds Social Care on 0113 222 4403 (Monday – Friday 9am-5pm) or Bradford Social Care 01274 435600 (8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday).

If you think a child is in immediate danger, you should call the police.

As recommended by Department for Education, the link below provides parents with digital advice, activities, online safety advice and ideas for parents and families: Parent Zone


Safeguarding Updates

We want to support our parents with advice about keeping their children safe at home. The Child Accident Prevention Trust have some advice about how to prevent accidents in the home or while out and about and you can find that by clicking here.

Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. We have produced a pamphlet which helps parents know how they can help:

The Prevent Strategy Parent Pamphlet

If you are concerned that a child is at risk of sexual exploitation or abuse, you can make a report here:

CEOP Reporting