
You can navigate through our Curriculum section by clicking on the menu at the top right of the page.

Our Vision for Religious Education (R.E.)

For every subject that we teach, we have a clear and challenging vision that drives everything we teach and children learn in that subject. At Pudsey Bolton Royd, in R.E. we aim to develop children’s skills of; enquiry, respect, responding to and expressing their own views, comparing and summarising beliefs and reflecting upon what they have learnt. Through inquiry-based activities, children will experience the joy of learning ‘how’, ‘What’ and ‘why’.  In our diverse society children are enriched by the diversity of cultures and beliefs and to learn to understand and respect other people's beliefs, places of worship, culture and traditions. We believe that this makes a major contribution to children’s intellectual, social and emotional development. They learn to articulate their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences, whilst respecting the rights of others to differ.


Our Long-Term Plan for R.E.

You can read our long-term plans for learning by selecting one of the documents below:

Progression of Knowledge and Skills in R.E.

A core part of all our curriculum is the teaching of a challenging, progressive knowledge and skills. You can read our Progression of Knowledge and Skills document for R.E. here:

Progression of Knowledge and Skills document for R.E.