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Curriculum Plans
You can find the long-term plans for our Nursery and Reception classes in the Early Years section of our Curriculum pages.
The long-term plan for Years 1 to 6 is available below and you find out more about our vision and structure of the whole school curriculum in the 'About Our Curriculum' section beneath this one.
Curriculum Long-Term Plan - Pudsey Bolton Royd Primary School
About Our Curriculum
From Nursery to Year 6, our curriculum offers every individual, regardless of ability, the chance to achieve their full potential in a safe, happy and caring environment, one where we hold the importance of enjoyment and achievement in equal measure.
We immerse children in a rich, diverse and progressive curriculum that promotes intellectual, moral, creative and physical development. Pudsey Bolton Royd Primary School is a fiercely-inclusive school that is passionate about, and celebrates, the diverse communities it serves. Since the inception of the National Curriculum, the school has always delivered a broad, balanced curriculum with traditional strengths within north-west Leeds in musical and sporting participation, as well as in supporting children’s academic progress, particularly in English, Maths and Science.
In re-vamping our whole-school curriculum, our intent has been to build on these traditional strengths while developing greater rigour and depth in the study of the full range of subjects, supplemented by our enviable wider curriculum enhancement offer to all our pupils.
High quality, first-hand experiential learning opportunities underpin what we provide – whether that be outdoor learning utilising our grounds (from nursery children donning waterproof suits in all weathers to explore concepts in their outdoor area, to all other year groups developing their environmental awareness and adventurous skills through Forest School or physical activities) or through a relevant, comprehensive programme of educational visits/visitors right across Yorkshire. We aim for these enhancements to inspire the pride, knowledge, understanding and cultural capital that will enthuse our pupils to go on to become engaged, active citizens - motivated to apply their growing awareness of British values respectfully across our diverse community.
Our aim is to equip every learner that passes through our doors with the knowledge, skills and interests needed to live a happy and successful life and prepare them to face the challenges of the modern world with resilience and emotional intelligence.
The implementation of our curriculum is through consistently-high standards of teaching delivery, with communication, language and pupil voice at its heart. Progressive acquisition of knowledge and skills are facilitated through carefully-planned topics with meaningful, relevant, cross-curricular links wherever possible. Innovative approaches to pedagogy enhance pupil engagement, while lessons revisit previous learning to commit prior knowledge to long-term memory and enable children to ‘see the bigger picture’ in their sequential learning journey. All children, regardless of prior attainment, characteristics, disadvantage, or educational need are included in lessons so that they gain from the social, collaborative aspects of learning from and with their peers.
Reading – both as a skill and as a gateway to enjoyment and unlocking ongoing study – is threaded throughout our curriculum. The huge proportion of children who are bilingual (and even tri-lingual) or have English as an Additional Language are celebrated and supported as their skills develop, while reading for pleasure is a shared goal for all. Key texts are identified as drivers of topic enhancements – many chosen to give background knowledge, understanding or ‘food for thought’ that pupils can discuss within and beyond the classroom to develop their understanding of their own place in the world.
Our subject schemes of work build from prior knowledge and understanding towards aspirational and challenging outcomes; we assess children’s progress through the programme of study and involve parents and carers in their child’s educational and developmental journey as much as we can. Foundation subjects are driven by important enquiry questions that allow children to be curious and inquisitive – leading to opportunities to investigate meaningfully.
From when children first join us in Nursery or Reception, we believe in them and teach them to believe in themselves. All staff care about ensuring every child that moves on from our school does so having found a passion, strength or talent that they have discovered and nurtured with us, the impact of which will give them motivation and confidence as they move on to their next phase of education and life – and we take great pride in celebrating the abundant examples we can recall.